For thousands of years, Art has been defined by what it makes people feel. Art can be classified according to the purpose of its creation and the audience who read or view it. It has been said that “ensation” is the feeling of an art object causes you when you look at it. This theory is the source of all definitions.
Visual and Auditory Arts are the most common categories of Art, but there are many more sub-categories. Visual Art consists of the most common Art forms, including painting, photography, and sculpture. Artistic potential exists in all the different types of Art, and each type of Art has a specific, defining character. Art is a broad spectrum of human creative activities involving the making of musical, visual, performing or oral artifacts, that express the artist’s imagination, concept, or a specific skill, meant to be enjoyed primarily for their aesthetic beauty or other emotion. The word “Art” comes from the Greek word “artos”, which means “craftsman”.
The major part of the broad spectrum of the Arts is generally considered the visual and performing arts, including such areas as the visual arts and architecture. Examples of the visual arts are motion pictures and paintings, computer animation, and visual sculpture. Architecture is the construction of houses, public buildings, and other structures. Music is the use of instruments to create sound. Film is the creation of images through visual means, with the addition of sound.
Music and the visual arts form the major part of the performing arts, while architecture and sculpture constitute the major part of the visual arts. The most common medium for the productions of these Art forms is the motion picture or the film. Visual Art consists of the fields of painting, drawing, photography, and sculpture. The most common medium for the productions of these Art forms is the film. Architecture refers to the architectural details of buildings and other man-made constructions.
There are two types of artistic production in the broad spectrum of the visual arts and the performing arts: the literary arts and the visual arts. Literary arts are generally referred to as the literature of the arts, while the visual arts are the arts that make visual images and allow audiences to interact with them. The most famous authors and artists of the English language include John Keats, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary E. Frye, Enid Blyton, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens. These great authors and artists have left a significant contribution to the field of literature and the visual arts.
These main articles provide a brief overview of the visual arts and the fine art. They should not be confused with arts instruction, which is for adults. Both the visual arts and fine arts are important to anyone who appreciates beauty. Both the visual arts and fine art greatly contribute to the culture and economy of many countries. Each one exhibits the creativity and imagination of artists around the world.